Active Adult Centers

Twenty Years!!

The Canarsie Courier wrote a wonderful story on our twentieth anniversary party at Vandalia. Click on over to read it and see the great pics.

Willie Saves the Day!

Willie Perkins, employee of Independence Neighborhood Center, receives an award for his heroic action during Ms. Elsie's 107 birthday celebration on December 21, 2018. An aid worker was enjoying her lunch when she started to show signs of choking, that's when Willie jumped into action and used his knowledge of First Aid Response and performed the Heimlich on her and saved her life! Hip hip hooray, Willie saved the day! 

Miss Elise Turned 107 Years Young!

Millennium Development at Independence Neighborhood center threw participant, Elsie Mayer, a 107th birthday party.

Vandalia Sensational Seniors

Our Vandalia Sensational Seniors were blessed with a generous yarn donation by former NYC DOT Director Marjorie Marciano.  Led by dedicated volunteer instructor Belma Weeks, this group of ladies knit, loom and crochet for hours on end. Coming soon: lap blankets, cocoons, socks, hats and booties, which will all be presented to those in need at nearby shelters.   

Senior Prom at Kings Plaza

Watch the video on the left of our seniors having a grand ol' time at the senior prom at Kings Plaza

Mill Basin Book Launch

Mill Basin Center received a SU-CASA grant from Council Member Alan Maisel to partner with Brooklyn Historical Society’s Educational Department. Through this grant, participants from Mill Basin Center took part in a program called “Remembering Brooklyn” in which they explored BHS’ rich collection of 20th Century archives which sparked discussions of their own memories, prompting them to come up with the idea for this book entitled “Young In Brooklyn”. A copy of this book will forever remain in Brooklyn Historical Society’s archives.